Exhibition changes at Museum of Brisbane:
Gallery 2 will be closed until 2 April 2025 for an exciting new exhibition change;
Quiet Afternoons will now start at 3pm (instead of 2pm) on Tuesdays from this week until 2 April 2025.
Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you soon! To find out more about our visiting hours, click here.




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Vida Lahey, Central Station 7.00 a.m. c1935, oil on board. Photo: Carl Warner. Bequest of the artist 1966. City of Brisbane Collection, Museum of Brisbane. Courtesy Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art.  

Include a gift in your Will

Making the Museum a beneficiary of your Will is an enduring way to share your love for Brisbane and invest in the city’s creative future. 

Your gift will provide vital support for the Museum beyond your lifetime and enrich the lives of future generations of visitors through transformative exhibitions, programs and experiences.


How to include a gift in your Will 

If you are considering including a gift to the Museum in your Will, we would value the opportunity to speak with you.

Unrestricted gifts allow the Museum to direct your generosity where it is needed most at the time. If you have a specific project or area of the Museum you would like to support, we would like to discuss this with you to ensure your wishes are understood and provide assurance that the Museum can accept your gift in the future.

Suggested wording

To include the Museum in your Will, the following wording may be used:

“I give (__percentage of Estate / the sum of $___/ specific item(s)___)  to Museum of Brisbane Trust ABN 70 514 947 142 for the use and benefit of Museum of Brisbane Trust at its absolute discretion. I direct that the receipt of the Museum shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

Types of gifts 

The Museum accepts a range of bequests, including:

  • Gifts of money expressed as a dollar amount or percentage of an estate, or the residual value of an estate
  • Distributions from a trust
  • Property
  • Shares
  • Artworks and objects (Please note: gifts of objects and artwork remain subject to approval through the Museum’s acquisition assessment process)

We recommend you seek the advice of an independent solicitor before making or revising your Will. They can also provide a codicil form to update, rather than replace, an existing Will.

How we recognise you 

To enable us to plan for the future and so that we can thank you, we ask that you provide an excerpt from your Will that details your gift to the Museum, or have your solicitor formally notify the Museum in writing.

We would like to acknowledge your generosity and share the impact of your future gift with you and your family during your lifetime. All notified bequests valued at $10,000 and above will be acknowledged through our Legacy Circle.

While we welcome the opportunity to thank you for your generosity, we understand that not everyone wishes to be publicly recognised and will respect your wish to remain anonymous.

  • Visitor looking at Karen Stone's artwork at Rearranged- Art of the Flower exhibition.

For more information, please contact Lucy Whyte, Development Manager on (07) 3339 0814 or donate@museumofbrisbane.com.au.